
Visiting Little Star Playschool

We recommend that you view the school prior to registering.

We run viewings of the school on a Tuesday and Thursday morning in the following time slots:

9:00am to 10:30am

Please e-mail with your preferred date and time slot. Alternatively you can contact Cindy on 082 6509327.

The Registration Process

Please register your child by completing the online registration below. Once your registration form has been received, you will be added to the list for the year and class you are applying for.

We try to complete our offers of place as early as possible in order to confirm your plans.  The first round of acceptances are usually sent out by end of Term 2 for the following year.

Register Today!

We only consider Little Star Playschool applications submitted via the registration form below, so please submit soonest.  We look forward to reviewing your application.



2024 fees will be R14 400 per term (4 terms in a year)

2025 fees will be R15 500 per term (4 terms in a year)


In addition, a once-off acceptance fee of R6000 is due on acceptance of a place.

  • Fees paid a year in full, in advance, by January 15th, will attract a 5% discount.
  • A 5% sibling discount is available for siblings at the school at the same time.